viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012



For my a friends must be very sincere, respectful, optimistic, cheerful, also, I think that the friends are those in the that may we trust, for example, when we are in trouble, but also with  with whom we can share our hardship and joys.
Those that are my friends really are very few, but with them, I consider that I am a very good friend.
I am a person very sociable and therefore, make acquaintances easily, but they are not my friends in a first instance, since, I prefer to know very good to the people before of that they be my friends.
I do not like to make friends over the internet, because, I think that of this manner we do not know to the people as they really are.
My best friend is Isabel Valenzuela, she is my friend of high school, we have a character very similar and when we finished high school we were going to the gym to play basketball, of this manner we were in touch always. Sometimes I visited to her or vice versa.
With Isabel I am always in touch, by phone, facebook or by mail. With my friends of the childhood, also I am in touch, but only by facebook.
With my classmates ex of high school, we gather once, but I would like that are repeat these occasions, since, we amusing us very much all together, and also, I would like to visit to all my friends, but I can not by of time lack. 


viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012


At University of Chile  my principal subject is Práctica Inicial y Registro de Experiencias VI of the career Educación Parvularia y Básica Inicial, I take is career,  because I preferred continue studing the of high school, that was Asistente de Párvulo and, also because I like this profession.
In the future I would like to work in a play school whit children from three months to two years old and work as a headmaster of a nursery school, because, I think that this stage of life is the most important in of a child growth.
The aspects that I consider  when choosing my job, would be: must be very informed regarding the process of a child growth, also of care and responsibility you must have when working with children.
Considering an other aspects, I think that find a job like this in the future would be difficult but not by lack of staff, nay, to find the indicated person responsible and always consider the care that children deserve.
When I am faced with a situation of work, for example, in a job interview and question me about my strengths and weaknesses, I would say that, I think that to work with children in the future my strengths, would be: the patience and I love what I do, and I  would say that my weakness is my feelings to the children grow to fast, so I suffer when they leave and therefore I would try of deliver and give them the education and the affection that children deserve.
I always will try to be the best teacher and in the circumstance of fulfill my dream, be the best headmaster. 




I spent some fantastic holidays in Iloca, in the region of the Maule, in 2010, because the place is very beautiful, nice and quiet.
I spent these holidays with my sister and all her boyfriend's family, my boyfriend was also with us and we had a good time together. 
We went in groups from Lolol, in different cars.
We arrived to Iloca to lunch, we went to a restaurant that was close to the beach and also, this had a wonderful view.
After of lunch we went to the beach, some went to rest and others went to bathe, I also  was to bathe. Bathing us we entertained too much because the waves were very high and the wave came with much force at the shore of the beach. This place I have always liked, from my childhood, by my memories.
I think that my holidays were so good, because the persons with the that I traveling were very sympathetics, entertained and I enjoy too much the moments that I am with them.
I would like repeat this travel with the same persons, but we could go to others places.


viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012


The people this informed of the protection environment for the news or the different media, this appears for damages that we cause environment, without thinking that us affects ourselves and I think that also is part of the social culture.
The truth is that I have not  incorporated recycling into my habits, but, I always attempt    of no littering the ground and I worry of to say to others. 
Regardindg my mobilization or conveyance, for long journeys use public transport, but to the places where I can go along, I do so, of this manner environment I care and also is good for the health.
I would like join to any eco-organisations, because I consider that is very important care the environment for we can all live better, but I would do if I had more time. 
In the prymary school I belonged to a group ecologic, we were doing posters with information of care which requires environmentally and we were doing landfills for recycle orderly.
I have done what I could for care the environment, but I think that always you can do more.
I think that the people Know the what to do for care environmentally, but simply do not. I think that in the country and in Santiago is necessary informar too much for that the people we are awareness of damage that we provoke by not caring environmentally.

Sincerely Johanna Olivos 

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012


I prefer to read books that seem interesting to me, or that are about real life, also the books that make me think a lot and be aware of my own actions in my life in general.
At school I read some books in the subject of "Lenguaje y Comunicación", but a lot of them were not my liking, I read for the assessments that I had to do.
My favorite written is Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez, he wrote the following books: “La fuerza de Sheccid”, “Juventud en Extasis”, “La última oportunidad”, “Volar sobre el pantano” and "Un grito desesperado", this last one is my favorite. 
“UN GRITO DESEPERADO” is a book dedicated to parents and children. This book is about of a family who had communication problems, the father didn't understand his children. 

He punished them all the time instead of talking, causing a tragic outcome to them, in which, his eldest son commits suicide in his room, emerging family problems that they finally manage to overcome. 
I recommend this book to all the peoples, in special to parents and children, that think that your family have problems of communication, because the outcome of the book I think that would do react to these families and improve the relations, for not finish with an outcome as that is narrated in the book.


viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012



The elite British universities face a "collapse into global mediocrity" within a generation; this is what says the compilers of a new league table of the world's best universities.
The news reports that the leading universities in the UK are under the Times Higher Education rankings, and the Asian institutions are advancing, for then talk.
In the article the editor of Times Higher Education  rankings,  Phil  Baty,  said that London, Oxford and Cambridge will stay out of the golden triangle, while the Asian universities point out that will be within of the golden triangle. 
Also, the news reports that some universities have climbed this year, for example: Peking University and Tsinghua University (from China) and Corea  has four universities together with Pohang University of Science and Technology.
The news mentions to Britain, because is the country that maintains its position (second) in the rankings and the first position maintains United States. A ranking previous to Times Higher Education rankings was also dominated by the universities of United States.
The report discloses the opinion of Wendy Piatt, director general of the Russell Group; he says that if is concrete in keep on top the government should invest where it will have a most impact, in research-intensive higher education and universities leading.


In Chile the independence day is a celebration in which are usually used typical vestment, typical feeding, as are the empanadas, cazuela, anticuchos and an alcoholic drink the chicha, that is product of the ferment of the uva, an fruit of chile, and the typical dance, the cueca.
Also, are made ramadas, are like business where are sold this typical products, in Chile are performed from the day seventenn to the day ninetenn of september.
What I like of independence day is the enjoy with my family, go to my house in the sixth Region and what I not like is that when going to the ramadas there many mens drunk.
These holidays I went to Lolol with my boyfriend and I was with his family and my family. I enjoy this independence day, because in Lolol we gather many persons and I consider that all arrive with the desire to have fun and they are very sympathetic.
Regarding the ramada of Lolol is that does make only one and there arrive all people of the community, also, all people are known and I think that the independence day of this manner is enjoyed more.


viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012


I would like to visit Italy, but specifically Venice, because I think this place is fantastic by the water in its streets.
In real the only think that I know about Venice is that its streets are completely covered with water, but I would like learn about their manners, culture, language, famous places and all that is important regarding Venice. Also, I would like to go by a long time to Venice, but only of visit, for meeting new people that help me to understand this place and understand their culture.
I think that this travel I would be very important for me, since, I would be fulfilling a dream, that I have from that I knew that there was a place which had its streets covered of water and this wonderful place is Venice.
However, I have never lost the hope of that someday I can fulfill my dream and if someday I have the possibility of Know Venice I will not think twice.


viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012


Last term was interesting, because learned a lot of information regarding origin of the education in our country, also learned regarding execution of investigations.
I think that my positive aspects is that I'm patient, tolerant, respectful, responsible, etc., and I think that my negative aspects is that I'm rancor and too proud.
Last term I didn't do exercise, but I would like practice again basketball. 
Last term I had some problems regarding my work of the weekend and I state so tired. 
I have missed very much to my family, because they are in the six region, and for the motive that I work the weekend I can't go to visit them, but I would like to see them.
Last term I went with my friends and my boyfriend to the cinema, and saw "Stefan v/s Kramer". 
In general last term was very interesting and entertaining.