viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012


The people this informed of the protection environment for the news or the different media, this appears for damages that we cause environment, without thinking that us affects ourselves and I think that also is part of the social culture.
The truth is that I have not  incorporated recycling into my habits, but, I always attempt    of no littering the ground and I worry of to say to others. 
Regardindg my mobilization or conveyance, for long journeys use public transport, but to the places where I can go along, I do so, of this manner environment I care and also is good for the health.
I would like join to any eco-organisations, because I consider that is very important care the environment for we can all live better, but I would do if I had more time. 
In the prymary school I belonged to a group ecologic, we were doing posters with information of care which requires environmentally and we were doing landfills for recycle orderly.
I have done what I could for care the environment, but I think that always you can do more.
I think that the people Know the what to do for care environmentally, but simply do not. I think that in the country and in Santiago is necessary informar too much for that the people we are awareness of damage that we provoke by not caring environmentally.

Sincerely Johanna Olivos 

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